
BE_JSON_Encode ( key {; value ; type } )

Encodes a single value as JSON encoded text.

Notes and Limitations :

This function doesn't support binary data, booleans or arrays.  If you're looking for something more flexible please consider this :

The existing BE plugin based JSON functions will be deprecated in a future release.  It's undecided if they'll be replaced with something else or not, we haven't found a good set of viable replacements.

Version : 2.1
  4.0 : Deprecated - use the native internal JSON functions instead.
  4.2 : Removed

Parameters :
key : the name of the key value to encode.
value ( optional ) : The value of the key to encode.
type ( optional ) : The type is determined automatically from fields, but for text that you want to force to be a different type, use this parameter. Possible values are Boolean ( JSON True or False ), Text or Number ( JSON integer or real, but also includes FileMaker date, time or timestamp ). Any other values will error.

Result : Returns the encoded property as a string.

Examples :

BE_JSON_Encode ( "employees" ) // to just encode the name, so you can use that as an object name.

"{ " & BE_JSON_Encode ( "employees" ) & " [ { " &
BE_JSON_Encode ( "firstName" ; "John" ) & ", " & BE_JSON_Encode ( "lastName" ; "Doe" ) & " }, { " &
BE_JSON_Encode ( "firstName" ; "Anna" ) & ", " & BE_JSON_Encode ( "lastName" ; "Smith" ) & " }, { " &
BE_JSON_Encode ( "firstName" ; "Peter" ) & ", " & BE_JSON_Encode ( "lastName" ; "Jones" ) & " } ] }"

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