

Returns a hash value generated by the MD5 or SHA functions from the text given, and optional encoding.


- text : the text to process.

- algorithm : The type of hashing function to use. Default is to use BE_MessageDigestAlgorithmSHA256.

- encoding : Possible values are BE_EncodingHex or BE_EncodingBase64 with no encoding being the default.


Message Digest

Version History:

- 1.2 :

- 3.0 : added the optional encoding parameter.

Code Examples:

BE_MessageDigest ( $text )

BE_MessageDigest ( $text ; BE_MessageDigestTypeMD5 )

BE_MessageDigest ( $text ; BE_MessageDigestTypeSHA256 ; BE_EncodingBase64 )

BE_MessageDigest ( $text ; 2 ; 1 ) // BE_MessageDigestAlgorithm_SHA256 and BE_EncodingHex

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