

Encrypt data using cipher.


- cipher : The cipher name to use. If the value is empty, "AES-256-CBC" will be used.

- data : The data to encrypt. It can be HEX encoded text or container field.

- key : The key to encrypt with. It can be HEX encoded text or container field.

- iv : The IV (initialization vector). It can be HEX encoded text or container field.

- paddingBoolean : Set false< to disable padding. Padding is enabled if the parameter is true, empty or not specified.

- fileNameWithExtension : The filename and extension for the encrypted data.


Cipher Encrypt

Version History:

- 4.0 :


- Be careful, there is no undo. Modes that require authenticated encryption (e.g. GCM) are not supported. These ciphers return 'authentication tag' in addition to encrypted data.

- The max data length is limited to 2GB.

- The code uses OpenSSL for it's base library, so the list of ciphers and their details are here :

Not all possible ciphers will work, and thorough testing on Encryption and Decryption should be done before putting code into production.

Code Examples:

BE_CipherEncrypt ( "aes-256-cbc" ; HexEncode ( "Plain text" ) ; "603deb1015ca71be2b73aef0857d77811f352c073b6108d72d9810a30914dff4" ; "000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f" )

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